• SALE lion-coffee-24-karat-kona-24oz
    Kona 24 Karat 100% Kona $29.95$84.95

    100% Kona Coffee beans from Hawaii’s Kona Coast. Hawaiian Kona Coffee is selected from the best of the Kona Coffee harvests. These big, flavorful Kona Coffee beans are expertly roasted to produce a consistent and truly gourmet coffee when brewed.

  • royal-kona-peaberry-7oz
    Royal Kona Peaberry $39.00

    Peaberry beans are a type of uncommonly small, round coffee bean that exhibits exceptionally concentrated flavor; they comprise less than 5% of the annual Kona crop. Kona Peaberry delivers a lavish, exhilarating pageant of aroma and flavor with every cup.  It produces an intense flavor in an aromatic and smooth coffee.

  • royal-kona-100-percent-kona-7oz
    Royal Kona 100% Kona $29.95

    Pure Kona Coffee from a high elevation, single estate farm, this “extra fancy” Kona coffee is roasted to our own custom roast profile to bring out the smoothly delicate flavor. A slightly lighter than normal roast for our 100% Kona, this Estate Coffee is a very lively yet clean and bright tasting kona coffee.

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